Find the skinade product to address your specific concern
Fine lines and wrinkles
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The collagen matrix is responsible for skin support, firmness, elasticity, hydration, and the constant production of new skin cells.
The more collagen you have, the more healthy, elastic and supple your skin is and the more youthful it appears. Alarmingly, we lose 1-1.5% of the collagen in our skin each year after the age of 20. This collagen loss causes skin ageing resulting in increased fine lines and wrinkles.
Skinade triggers the body’s natural collagen production, visibly reducing fine lines and wrinkles.
For an extra boost consider adding Derma Defense A&D Boost to your skinade routine.
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Dull skin, tired looking skin, dark circles
Learn moreSkinade Better Skin From Within

Skinade contains key functional ingredients designed to improve the look and feel of your skin in as little as 30 days. Skinade utilises a specific vitamin B complex (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12) which has powerful antioxidative properties that are essential to skin health. The B vitamin complex combined with calcium ascorbate helps to promote oxygenation and nutritional delivery particularly to areas of poor circulation (harnessing the power of B3 niacin to increase delivery). This promotes a glowing and radiant complexion. Omega 3 delivered by organic flax seed oil also promotes radiance. Together with the anti-ageing capability this rejuvenates tired looking skin.
Dark circles are also reduced by skinade's unique B complex and Omega oils. Correct osmotic flow is key to reducing water retention which is a contributing factor to dark circles under the eyes. MSM promotes correct osmotic flow thereby reducing water retention and toxins.
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Sagging skin
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The collagen matrix is responsible for skin support, firmness, elasticity, hydration, and the constant production of new skin cells.
The more collagen you have, the healthier, more elastic and supple your skin is and the more youthful it appears. Alarmingly, we lose 1-1.5% of the collagen in our skin each year after the age of 20. This loss results in skin ageing resulting in increased fine lines, wrinkles, dry, thinning and sagging skin.
Loss of elastin is also an aggravating factor. Skinade triggers both the body’s natural collagen and elastin production. This firms and increases skin elasticity visibly reducing sagging skin. Skin integrity is further increased by reducing collagen fibre cross-linking by supporting sulphur bonds with the powerful ingredient methylsulphonylmethane (MSM).
For an extra anti-ageing boost consider adding Derma Defense A&D Boost to your skinade routine.
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Breakout prone skin, blemishes, blemish prone skin
Learn moreSkinade Targeted Solutions Clear

Breakout prone skin is one of the most common skin disorders and has a major impact on an individual’s self-image. Breakouts affect both women and men not just in their teens, but also later in life.
The breakouts which form particularly on the face, neck, chest and back result from a number of issues:
- Hormonal
- Bacterial
- Stress and anxiety
- Excess Oil Production
- A Diet high in sugar
- Blocked pores
- Poor digestive health
Click here to learn more about the benefits of Targeted Solutions Clear to breakout prone skin
Target the signs of ageing
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Skin is the largest organ in the human body and as it is exposed to environmental stress, it is the most tell-tale indicator of our age and lifestyle.
Your skin can be divided into two layers:
- The epidermis: the outer barrier layer
- The dermis: the inner structural layer
Collagen is a simple protein made up of amino acids.
The collagen matrix is responsible for skin support, firmness, elasticity, hydration, and the constant production of new skin cells.
The more collagen you have, the healthier, more elastic and supple your skin is and the more youthful it appears. Alarmingly, we lose 1% to 1.5% of the collagen in our skin each year after the age of 20. This loss results in skin ageing, including wrinkles, fine lines, dry, blemished and thinning skin.
Fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin and loss of youthful plumpness, combined with a natural decline in the body’s ability to regenerate new cells, are all visible signs of ageing. Environmental aggressors such as UV rays, cold and pollution cause dull, rough, dry skin and fine lines and wrinkles. So, prevention of collagen and elastin loss is vital. Starting the use of skinade at a young age, after the age of 25 years, targets collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid loss and the associated signs of ageing.
Over the past decade, intensive research into skin ageing has shown that the major differentiator between youthful and ageing skin is the health and integrity of the collagen matrix in the dermis, the support structure below the skin’s surface.
In ageing skin, the collagen matrix is weakened, broken and fragmented, impairing the structure of the dermis. As the collagen matrix degenerates it becomes brittle, fragile and loses its capacity to maintain hydration.
Maintaining the health and structure of the collagen matrix is key to targeting these skin concerns and can dramatically improve the skin’s youthful, healthy appearance and delay the onset of fine lines, wrinkles and the early signs of ageing
Studies show that the most effective way to maintain the collagen matrix and prevent the early signs of ageing is to boost the body’s own production of collagen by ingesting collagen peptides.
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Uneven skin tone, pigmentation
Learn moreUneven skin tone is irregular darkening of the skin. The cause: overproduction of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin and hair color. The resulting dark patches and spots are typically perceived as "aged skin" and can make you look more than 10 years older.
Skinade when combined with Derma Defence A&D Boost will help prevent and address uneven skin tone. B12 regulates pigment production. Calcium ascorbate activates tyrosinase inhibitors preventing enzymes in the body from creating excessive amounts of melanin (your skin's pigment) in areas that have been over exposed to sunlight / UV. Almost 90% of women are deficient in vitamin A key to skin health and 77% of the population are deficient in vitamin D. Vitamin A targets sun damage by interrupting the process that breaks down collagen. Fluctuations in hormones can stimulate the overproduction of melanin which leads to dark spots. Vitamin D is key to helping hormonal balance.
For best results we recommend taking skinade and Derma Defense A&D Boost.
What causes uneven skin tone?
When your skin is exposed to UV light, sun damage occurs. Brown spots and uneven skin tone develop as a result of too much melanin being produced to help protect your skin from UV light. Particles and gasses from air pollution are able to penetrate the skin and lead to formation of brown spots, particularly on the face. Uneven skin tone is most commonly experienced by women who are pregnant or using hormonal contraceptives, but can also be a reaction to cosmetics or medications.
In addition to taking skinade and Derma Defense A&D Boost it is important to exfoliate and don’t forget topical SPF. There's no quick fix for an uneven skin tone. Stick with it, it takes at least 90 days for the skin to rebalance itself using skinade and Derma Defense A&D Boost.
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Preparing for aesthetic surgery
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Skinade MD Pre + Post Surgical Care Programme
When undergoing an aesthetic surgical procedure, whether that be a face lift, breast enhancement/reduction or even a hair restorative procedure, the decision for surgical intervention is very personal and increased self-confidence is often a key goal. The investment both in time and money is substantial and so correct preparation for maximum results is vital.
The skinade MD® Pre + Post Care Surgical Programme has been specifically designed to help doctors prepare patients optimally for plastic, aesthetic, surgical and invasive procedures to improve results and associated down time.
Click here to learn more about the benefits of skinade MD® Pre + Post Care Surgical Programme
Skinade MD® Pre + Post Care Surgical Programme

Sun damage
Learn moreExposure to the sun subjects the skin to UV radiation. UV waves are composed of UVA and UVB.
UVB waves are shorter than UVA and are responsible for ‘sun burn’. UVA with longer wavelength, penetrate deep into the dermis and are responsible for much of the damage we associate with photo ageing.
When UV rays hit the skin, they damage its DNA, and the cells in the dermis produce melanin in the epidermis to prevent further damage. When UVA rays penetrate deep into the dermis, they damage the collagen fibers and elastin. Production of the enzyme metalloproteinases increases and over time the skin forms wrinkles, as well as becoming dry and leathery looking.
Sun exposure and hormonal changes can cause pigmentation and textural changes to the skin resulting in deep lines, uneven and dull skin. Blood vessels can become damaged resulting in blotchiness adding to visible sun damage.
High energy visible light (blue light from laptops, phones, tablets etc.) does not stop when the sun goes down and has been shown to break down collagen, reduce skin elasticity and contribute to photo ageing.
So, what can we do? Protection is important, so utilizing a high-quality topical SPF and reducing sun exposure to the sun is key, but working from within is also essential.
Skinade and Derma Defense A&D Boost
Skinade contains functional ingredients to help nourish, rebalance and rehydrate the skin. The functional ingredients in skinade work synergistically to increase fibroblast activation creating new collagen and elastin to rejuvenate the skin. Increasing hydration by triggering hyaluronic acid production helps to further reduce the signs of ageing skin.
Vitamin C’s anti-oxidative properties makes sun damage and surface pigment spots less visible and brightens a dull, blotchy skin. It protects the skin from irritation and environmental pollution and helps to improve the skin's natural healing process. Skinade uses a special pH neutral form of vitamin C (calcium ascorbate). This activates tyrosinase inhibitors preventing enzymes in the body from creating excessive amounts of melanin (your skin's pigment) in areas that have been over exposed to sun light reducing dark spots.
A vitamin B deficiency can wreak havoc on your skin, causing dry and flaky skin, cracked lips, and wrinkles. It can also make your skin more sensitive to sunlight and other potential aggressors, and through phototoxicity can lead to redness, irritation, sun damage and older looking skin. Skinade contains a powerful B complex. B12 regulates pigment production.
Almost 90% of women are deficient in vitamin A (Retinol). Retinol interrupts the process that breaks down collagen, it supports the skin’s immune system and promotes natural hydration. Vitamin A is also important to melanin production and is essential to having healthy looking skin. Vitamin A also works as an anti-oxidant and slows down signs of ageing. Derma Defense A + D Boost contains a powerful 3000(iu) of Vitamin A.
Fluctuations in hormones can stimulate the overproduction of melanin leading to uneven skin tone and dark spots. Vitamin D is key to helping hormonal balance. Derma Defense A + D Boost contains 3000 (iu) of Vitamin D.
Omega-3 and 6 boost hydration and their lipid structure helps counter sun damage. We get our Omega 3 and 6 from organic flax seed oil.
Over exposure to the sun tends to decrease cell membrane flexibility (resulting in a leathery looking skin). This in turn lowers the ability for the skin to receive nutrients and oxygen. MSM increases cell membrane flexibility and hence nutrient delivery and its antioxidative properties help protect against sun-damaged skin.
For optimum results we recommend taking skinade and Derma Defense A&D Boost together for 90 days.
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skinade Targeted Solutions Cellulite for cellulite related concerns

Cellulite affects about 85% of the global female adult population. It is one of the most common skin related concerns and can have an impact on an individual’s self-image and ‘body confidence’. The term cellulite describes the small depressions and dimples that form predominantly on the legs, buttocks and sometimes the abdomen and is widely described as having an ‘orange peel’ like appearance.
Cellulite usually starts forming shortly after puberty and is caused and exacerbated by a number of factors:
- Reduced dermal integrity
- Fat hypertrophy
- Fluid retention
- Toxin build Up
- Metabolic issues
- Reduction in or loss of skin elasticity
- Hormonal impacts
- Poor Circulation
- Weak connective tissue
Click here to learn more about the benefits of taking Targeted Solutions Cellulite

Dry skin, dehydrated skin
Learn moreSkinade plus Derma Defense A&D Boost
Skinade delivers specific micronutrients in liquid form to increase moisture and hydration levels by triggering natural hyaluronic acid production within the dermal layer of the skin. Hyaluronic acid is a very powerful skin hydrator and as a result skinade restores your skin's hydration and youthful appearance. It improves tone, texture, smooths furrow lines and promotes better skin suppleness. Flax seed oil increases your body’s ability to absorb water more effectively resulting in more hydrated skin.
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Retinol deficiency and dry skin
Low levels of vitamin A and D negatively affect the appearance of the skin. Vitamin A, also known as Retinol, stimulates natural skin cell renewal, elasticity and hydration. Low levels of vitamin A are typically characterised with very dry skin and a propensity to pigmentation.
For best results we would recommend boosting skinade with Derma Defense A&D Boost.
Click here to learn more about Derma Defense A&D Boost
Oily skin, congested skin
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Overactive sebaceous activity is a key contributor to both oily and congested skin as well as breakouts in breakout prone skin.
Skinade has powerful equilibrium boosting properties that will help to regulate sebaceous glands reducing oiliness and regulating sebum production.
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Oily skin particularly in teenagers and young adults may be caused by imbalances in hormones. This can also be the case in older individuals. If excess oil production is caused by imbalances in hormones consider Targeted Solutions Clear.
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Skinade and/or skinade Targeted Solutions Clear for oily or congested skin
Skinade has powerful equilibrium boosting properties that will help to regulate sebaceous glands reducing oiliness and regulating sebum production.
Oily skin particularly in teenagers and young adults may be caused by imbalances in hormones. This can also be the case in older individuals. If excess oil production is caused by imbalances in hormones consider Targeted Solutions Clear.

Learn moreMany of our customers report an improvement to their hair. Here’s why:
At skinade we understand the importance of keeping our hair looking and feeling full and healthy. We believe that working from within can help create luscious, sleek, stronger and healthier looking hair.
The natural hair growth cycle and the quality of the hair itself can be disrupted by many factors: genetics, stress, pollution, diet, hormones, or even excessive hair cleansing.

Skinade's unique formula of collagen peptides, calcium ascorbate, vitamin B complex, MSM, organic flax seed oil and lysine help to support stronger, smoother and healthier looking hair.
Hair follicles (see diagram above) are comprised of pockets of epithelium, which are continuous with the superficial epidermis and extend deep into the dermis. The hair follicle forms a bulb around the specialized dermal cells, the dermal papillae.
A healthy scalp, especially in the dermal layer, is key to supporting optimum follicle function. Skinade increases dermal density with increased elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid production. Hyaluronic acid creates moisture and hydration for both the scalp and the hair.
Collagen peptides are clinically proven to increase hair strength. A recent study evaluated the characteristics of hair using a texturometer before and after taking collagen peptides for 90 days clearly demonstrating an increase in the mechanical strength of the hair by 13% compared to placebo. Mechanical strength is linked to improved properties of the hair cortex, which can be especially beneficial for hair that is ageing, brittle and prone to breaking.
A deficiency in calcium ascorbate can also cause dry, brittle hair and increased shedding. Skinade contains 180mg of this compound.
One of the best-known vitamins for hair growth is the B-vitamin biotin. Skinade contains a powerful B complex that in addition to biotin at 200ug delivers niacin at 17mg which ensures good blood supply to the scalp with its capillary dilating action. Good blood flow to the scalp ensures increased delivery of all functional ingredients.
Our Omega-3 and 6 from organic flax seed nourishes hair at the follicles to boost strength, lustre and thickness while soothing dry, flaky scalps.
MSM at 1000mg in skinade provides support to sulphur bonds essential to strengthening hair and influencing hair growth by supporting the anagen phase (growth phase) of the hair cycle.
L-lysine helps the body to integrate collagen, a vital protein for our hair. Similar to keratin, collagen provides our hair elasticity and shape. A decrease in collagen can be detrimental as it creates brittle hair that’s easy to shed. L-lysine is also present in the hair's root, and it is responsible for the shape and volume of the hair. L-lysine can promote regular hair growth. Skinade contains 124mg of the essential amino acid L-lysine.
Vitamin D plays a role in the creation of new hair follicles. New follicles may help hair maintain thickness and prevent premature shedding. Vitamin D also plays a key role in balancing hormones that play an important role in healthy looking hair. Consider adding Derma Defense A&D Boost to your skinade routine.
Skinade plus Derma Defense A&D Boost
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Many of our customers report an improvement to their nails. Here’s why:
First impressions count. Many women consider nails an important element of their appearance.
For many women, however, beautiful nails are hard to achieve — even with a lot of care. In many cases, this is caused by brittle nail syndrome.
Brittle nail syndrome is a very common problem characterised by increased fragility of the nail plate (Figure 1), as well as nail roughness, raggedness and peeling (Figure 2). Individuals with the condition usually complain that their nails are soft, dry, weak or break easily, and do not grow well.
Figure 1: The anatomy of the fingernail
Now, new science has investigated the effects of collagen peptides on the appearance, strength and growth of fingernails and results confirm the stimulatory effects of collagen peptides. As with dermal fibroblast activation, vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen and is the building block of fingernails. A deficiency in vitamin C and B can result in brittle nails, as well as slowed nail growth. Skinade contains calcium ascorbate (a special form of vitamin C) and a powerful vitamin B complex. MSM works synergistically with vitamin C and is present in keratin, which is responsible for making nails hard, and is a crucial component of collagen production. Omega-3 fatty acids in skinade can help lubricate and moisturise your nails, giving them a shiny appearance. These fatty acids may also reduce inflammation in your nail bed, which nourishes and promotes the health of cells that give rise to your nail plate and prevent cracking. L-lysine is an essential amino acid that helps build healthy proteins, and thus, helps maintain healthy nails.
Figure 2: Nail roughness, raggedness and peeling
Clinical studies demonstrate collagen peptides can help to improve growth and appearance of fingernails. A recent study showed a decrease of cracked and/or chipped nails after 2 months of treatment, reaching a decrease of 42% after 6 months. Compared to the control group, nail growth speed increased and led to a statistically significant improvement in nail growth after 3 months. A notable decrease in nail peeling and a clearly decreased nail edge irregularity was seen. In a participant survey 75% of the group said their nails were longer and 71% of the group said their nails grew faster and became longer.
Inadequate vitamin D may contribute to peeling nails. To boost your vitamin d levels consider adding Derma Defense A&D Boost to your skinade routine for better nails.

Sensitivity and redness
Learn moreSkinade plus Derma Defense A&D Boost
Skinade contains calming and soothing compounds designed to maximise its anti-ageing capabilities. Many customers and practitioners report a reduction in skin redness and sensitivity when taking skinade.
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Vitamin D plays an important role in the modulation of the production of cytokines.
Vitamin A also plays a role in soothing and calming the skin which has a positive impact on skin disorders.
For optimum results consider boosting skinade with Derma Defense A&D Boost.
Click here to learn more about Derma Defense A&D Boost
Other skin concerns
If you have specific enquires please contact us confidentially on 1 (800) 754-6233, email us on info@skinade.com or message us using the chat option.
Should you wish to discuss your skin concerns with a skincare professional, please click here to find a skinade stockist.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.